San Gervasio, Cozumel

San Gervasio is located about 3.5 miles east of the town of San Miguel de Cozumel and this place can be easily accessed by the La Isla de Cozumel cross road.

On the paradisiacal island of Cozumel, the Mexican Caribbean is one of the most important archaeological zones and one that is best studied in pre-Hispanic centers, and it is called San Gervasio, it is a set of archaeological settlements that at the time leads to make a center of Mayan pilgrimages in that place worshiped the goddess Ixchel but the most surprising thing is that in addition to being a sacred site, it was also a strategic point for trade and political development in that area 

In this great area there are 6 architectural ensembles that give us an idea of ​​what the religious administrative activities and daily life that the Maya carried out at the time were. all these were united by some branches of roads called sacbés white roads

One of the temples to the goddess Ixchel is called Ka'na Nah. This is the largest structure in this archaeological site, the steps are beautifully decorated with small human faces. 

Another one of the temples is called Nohoch Nah. What does the great house mean? This archaeological building had an altar inside where offerings were made.

 The archaeological building is the Central Plaza. So to speak. This was the center of the other buildings built by the Mayans.